Live / Purpose over Panic
Times of crisis are training for real life. In the business of the normal we are so easily lost in our day to day. The minutes turn to months, I see it every year as I watch my girls celebrate another birthday wondering where the time went. In crisis, normal is forced to cease and our comforts and routines are made to alter or stop. It is in this place we have to step back and take inventory of our lives.

Resources/ Family/ Communion
Have you been wondering about how to talk to your children about communion? Maybe it gets awkward when you are sitting in church with them and communion gets passed. If your kids have trusted Jesus as their Savior, they can take communion and you can help them understand how meaningful it is. If you love Jesus and love your kids, you are the exact right person to share Jesus with them.

Live / Satisfied
What can we learn when everything is stripped away? What is left for us as Followers of Jesus to do? Maybe the things that are left are the things we should be focussed on always.

Change / Passion is Necessary
Do you ever feel like you need to tone yourself down? Like you are too much? Maybe those parts of you are the exact parts that need to be shared with the world.

Share / Do it Anyway
Are you scared to use your gifts because of people’s judgements or your own inevitable failures? Creator God has given you those gifts and it is an act of worship to walk through the doors he opens for you.

Live / Unlikely Leaders
Do you ever feel inadequate as a leader? Do you even wonder how you are going to be able to accomplish the plans God has for you? I have good news and it is found in Philippians 2:13 “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” It is God who works in and through you to accomplish his will. Leading by faith is different than the worlds way, and it is good.