Resources/ Family/ Communion

My husband Chris and I believe that you are exactly the right person to talk about Jesus with your children if:

A. You love them
B. You love Jesus

We have done this at Easter time, but it is relevant any time of the year.

Family Communion Conversation
Read John 13:1-20 together

Questions for discussion

  • Jesus loved his friends (disciples) do you have a friend/ someone who really loves you?

  • What would it have been like to be Jesus friend in real life?

  • Do you know that Jesus does want to be your friend, that you can talk with him and he loves you?

(God loved us so much he sent Jesus to die for us, John 3:16. Jesus took our punishment for the things we do wrong, when we believe in what he did for us we are his friend too!)

  • Jesus washed his friends (disciples) feet. What do you think it would be like to wash someone’s feet?

  • What would it be like having your feet washed?

  • What if Jesus was the one washing your feet? How would you feel? What would you think?

  • What do you think Jesus meant when he told his disciples to wash one another’s feet?

  • What is the example Jesus is setting for us? (To be a servant)

  • What are some ideas of ways we can serve, in our home, community, family and friends?

- Thank God for his love, sacrifice, and his example of serving.

- Confess that our sin makes us undeserving of a perfect God to serve us. Thank him that he died on the cross for us even though we don’t deserve it.

- Ask him to help us show his love and follow his example by serving others. Thank him for giving us the Holy Spirit to helps us.

(You could do a foot washing here)

Turn to and read Matthew 26:20-28

  • What does it mean to betray someone?

  • How do you think it feels to be betrayed? Has this ever happened to you?

  • Jesus understands what we go through, he was betrayed and abandoned by his friends on the night he died.

  • What do you think he meant when he called the bread his body and the drink his blood? Were they really eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus? (No, it was a symbol of Jesus death on the cross and what it means for all of us)

This is called taking communion. What does Jesus want us to remember by taking communion? (That he died for us to take our punishment for the wrong things we have done so we can be his friend)

Jesus died for the wrong things we have done, he took our punishment when he died, is that a good thing to remember? (Yes)

Take communion


- Thank God for all he has done and continues to do for us.

- Thank him for serving us by dying on the cross for our sin (the wrong things we have done) and taking our punishment that we have earned so we can live free and as a friend of God and love others by His Spirit’s power that lives in us.


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