Faith: Moving From Hard To Easy
Recently I was at a meeting and like with most of my meetings lately, Storyteller Cafe came up as a topic. I was not the only person present from Stories Foundation at this meeting and yet when one of the people I was meeting with addressed the cafe, it was in reference to it being my dream.
This is true, in part. I have been dreaming about Storyteller Cafe for over 9 years. I can see it in my minds eye like it already exists.
Yet, I left that meeting and said out loud something I have been thinking and speaking a lot lately. I am not doing anti trafficking work or pursuing the build of a giveback cafe for my own health. I am not doing this because this cafe is some big dream I have to realize for myself. Quite the contrary.

The Lord Will Fight For You.
A couple nights ago a friend posted Exodus 14:14 “ The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” I shared it on my Facebook profile and went to bed trying to remember when God had said that and to whom. When I woke up the next morning, I looked it up.
The Israelites had just left Egypt and were in the wilderness heading towards the Red Sea. At the beginning of chapter 14 God tells Moses what is going to happen. Pharaoh’s heart is going to turn hard again, and God is the one who turns it, Pharaoh is going to see the Israelites are wandering in the wilderness and choose to pursue them to bring them back to be slaves. God tells Moses, I am in control of this, I am going to show my glory.

Big things, Small things or heart things?
Sunday night I was at a leadership event put on by local pastors. The intention behind the event was to pour back into leaders in their community who pour out. Chris and I got a a personal invitation, they fed us dinner and flew in a leadership coach who spoke. There were even gourmet cupcakes, all for free. I texted the pastors after I left and thanked them for pastoring, in my experience this kind of leadership is few and far between.