The Value of Authentic Community
I have been trying to write this blog post about community for months. I have sat down to write multiple drafts, every time starting over because the words weren’t exactly right to convey what I have been learning and seeing when it comes to the importance of community.

Different Kind of Provision
All summer I have watched the drought here in Minnesota echo my own drought. I have watched myself wake up day in and day out praying and preparing for provision much like we watch the weather app on our phones hoping the forecast predicting rain will come to pass. I have had meetings, gone to events, and had phone conversations in which, as faithfully as I know how, I have communicated the vision and the need. The urgency and the impact. Every time could have been the time where provision rained down, but like the weather the forecasted rain clouds turned into sunshine and where sunshine is good for the soul, when you need rain the heat can make you tired.